

Wash-N-Dash is an app made by students for students. Wash-N-Dash allows UH Manoa students to track the progress of their laundry from anywhere, find laundry rooms, and filter out different machines based on location or type. The app also includes reporting features and administrator management tools. Wash-N-Dash was built using the Meteor framework and ReactJs. The application works by detecting which machines are currently in use by either user reporting or a raspberry pi and giving an estimated time of completion. This project allowed me to experience working in a small team and practice various project management techniques which included: issue based development, version control, resolving merge conflicts, and peer code reviews.


Riley Cammack (CENG): rcammack@hawaii.edu

Justin Pham (CS): jpham79@hawaii.edu

Olivia Murray (CS): omurray4@hawaii.edu

David Badke (CS): @hawaii.edu

Wash-N-Dash Github Page

Setup, code, and previews of the application can be seen here